Recent Cases
Personal Injury Cases & Firm Settlements
Auto Accident Case: Client suffered a torn rotator cuff.
Firm Settlement: $70,000.00
Premise Liability Case: Client suffered loss of part of his ring finger.
Firm Settlement: $100,000.00
Auto Accident Case/Rear-End Collision: Client suffered minor carpal tunnel.
Firm Settlement: $20,000.00
Auto Accident Case/Rear-End Collision: Client suffered carpel tunnel and scar on forehead.
Firm Settlement: $40,000.00
Auto Accident/Side Impact Collision: Client suffered herniation L3-L4.
Firm Settlement: $20,000.00.
Auto Accident/Side Impact Collision: Client suffered herniated disk and struck by impaired driver.
Firm Settlement: $260,000.00.
Auto Accident/Rear-End Collision: Client suffered herniated disk and struck by impaired driver.
Firm Settlement: $95,000.00.
Criminal Defense Cases
Aggravated Battery with a Deadly Weapon: Defendant acquitted.
Life Felony: (Originally Court Imposed No Bond) Bond Imposed and Reduced to $10,000.
Some of Ms. Graham’s Cases as an Assistant Statewide Prosecutor
Convicted Polk County man after jury trial: for organized criminal fraud, sentenced to 15 years.
Convicted St. Lucie County man after jury trial: for sexual battery with great force and attempted murder, sentenced to One Life Term and 15 years consecutively.
Convicted St. Lucie County man after jury trial: for aggravated battery after Defendant viciously beat girlfriend, sentenced to 30 years as a habitual violent felony offender.
~Litigated Racketeering schemes in Orange, and Osceola Counties.
~Litigated White Collar Crimes, Internet Crimes, and Fraud Crimes, all over the State of Florida
We Are Here to Help You
For a Free Consultation, Call 407-802-2968 Today!
Protecting the Injured and the Accused
We are Located At:
3008 E Robinson St. Orlando, FL 32803
140 South Beach Street, Ste 310, Daytona Beach, FL 32114
Hours of Operation:
Monday through Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM